Red Salute from Malaysia to all the friends & comrades ! Socialist Party of Malaysia thanks DSP / Socialist Alliance & Resistance for inviting us for this valuable World at A Crossroads conference.
One of the most widely known truths today is that capitalism is in deep crisis of its own making . The endless search for greater and greater profits with complete disregard for people and the planet , has inevitably in crises which capitalism itself cannot solve.
The clock cannot be turned back on global warming which has resulted in major changes to temperatures and natural phenomena ,and which poses a serious threat to future life on earth.
Capitalism has also resultad in a crisis of resources. The resources of the world have been exhausted and depleted by unplanned production and wasteful exploitation .Peak oil production has been reached and we face the prospects of a world that is short of energy resources.
Currently we are all in the midst of a worldwide economic recession that is entirely created by the capitalist system .thanks to global capitalism no country in the world is spared. Workers are losing jobs in millions ; there is a widespread homelessness and misery. The recession has and is going to create massive poverty. World poverty figures are going to skyrocket.Of course, the capitalist- run media mourns not about the huge suffering of the people but about the bankruptcy of financial institutions such as Lehman Brothers and the drop in the billions owned by the billionaires.And about the billions being pumped in by capitalist governments to save the capitalist system.
The constant warming is that this is going to be the worst crisis in 80 years ,and even worse than the recession of the 1930s .For us socialists this means a long period of suffering and deprivation for the people ,brought about by the ruthless profits first and greed – driven system.
But this very bleak period also is a period of great hope, having created the objective conditions necessary for ending capitalism .Widespread unemployment and poverty also means widespread disenchantment and anger. We have the opportunity to create awareness
among workers y exposing the capitalist system – as a system that rides on the super exploitationand repression of workers. We have the opportunity now to create awreness about the socialist system.We have the opportunity to empower workers .I think we will all agree that the objective conditions are ready for a change.But are we ready to use this opportunity to fight for a socialist future ?
I would like to propose some actions we should take in order to be able to respond to the crisis of capitalism.
1. Sinking our differences
One of the biggest obstacles in the way to a concerted fight against capitalism is the factionalism among the left .Many groups seem to be more concerned about the correctness of their ideology and position rather the onslaught of capitalism and how the left will need a joint response to it. There is a need to unite on our similarities as socialists, oppressed to an inhuman system where the majority remains oppressed,and commit ourselves to struggle for socialism with the working class .There is a need for continuous dialogue over our defferences as we work togather.There is an urgent need for us to think of the challenges and kind of socialism in the 21stcentury and how to arrive at it. And to realize that capitalism is still strong and will will come
back after the recession only because the socialists wasted their opportunity. Human history of working class will never forgive us if we continue divide ourselves!
2.Venezuela and Latin America
We need to look at Venezuela and Latin America ,Non -socialists are achieving what socialists have failed to achieve in decades .Socialism is being introduced in ways never imagined before. What lessons can we learn from Latin America which we can apply in the struggle in our own countries ?
3. We have to work
We have to go the ground and agitate as Che says.Engage the working class in struggles , empower them – we gain the democratic space to enhance our struggles.We have to write pamphlets for workers to understand,have workers discussion – to create awareness and urge them into action. We have to harness the anger and frustration of the workers and make people aware that mankind is not doomed to suffer under the capitalism system for ever.Socialism doesn't drop from the sky!
As Rosa Luxemberg has said , the choice facing mankind is Socialism or Barbarism.There will be great anger and dissatisfaction with the existing economic system.Our role is to turn this frustration into a political struggle for a socialist society.
Long Live Socialism !
Working Class Of The World Unite !
Hidup Perjuangan ! Hidup Sosialisma !