Jul 3, 2007

The Bolivarian Revolution. Selections from a conversation between Peter McLaren and Michael Lebowitz

Video From the Socialist Project: Pedagogy, Human Development and Socialism: The Bolivarian Revolution. Selections from a conversation between Peter McLaren and Michael Lebowitz (video recorded September 14, 2006).

  • Part I - (9:02): The Bolivarian constitution and radical pedagogy.
  • Part II - (8:50): Constitution, pedagogy and praxis.
  • Part III - (20:14): The issue of socialism.
"The working class demands the right to make its mistakes and learn the dialectic of history." - Rosa Luxemburg (1904), Leninism or Marxism?.

"The communal character of production would make the product into a communal, general product from the outset. The exchange which originally takes place in production – which would not be an exchange of exchange values but of activities, determined by communal needs and communal purposes – would from the outset include the participation of the individual in the communal world of products." - Karl Marx (1857), The Grundrisse.