Jun 19, 2007

Irish Greens gets some stick

Greenman's Occasional Organ is a blog located within the Green Left current of the Green Party of England and Wales. It is a informative window on that perspective.

In it's latest post, Greenman addresses with disdain the recent deal between the Irish Greens and Fianna Fail. The commentary then contines:
I personally have never ruled out splitting from the GP if the situation became hopelessly untenable, I have considered the alternatives in the past, prior to foundation of Green Left. However, it is again clear that it is far better to leave as a principled and organised grouping and either set up independently or join another grouping than it is to drift off as individuals, leaving the right/centralists in control. And we are far from having to make this kind of choice in England and Wales at the moment...For me, the Green Party and parties were and never will be the be-all and end -all of politics or struggle, I leave that view to the rightists and "green government" fantasists. The question is whether the Green movement and parties can be aligned with a broad popular and international movement of the left and the working class, rather than as we now see ending up as the "mudguard" for right and centre-right coalitions.