Jul 27, 2007

Haneef fallout -- the left is back

by Dave Riley
Todays news that Dr Haneef would be released signals not only the scale of the massive outrage at his detention and cynical fit up, but it also flags that some final nails have been driven into the coffin of the federal Coalition government.

Brutal arrogance and disdain for habeas corpus aside -- it's the measure that begins to seal the fate of Howard as PM. Desperation may encourage further exercises in wedge politics -- but it is going to be very hard for the Coalition to engineer what tricks they have left with any panache.

The rest of us can only marvel how me too the ALP can be in its bid to win office. What with Howard's cynical plays -- over indigenous land rights, "terrorists', and the like -- and the one step behind approach of the ALP -- the major parties have suffered more dints to their credibility over the last month or so than for decades of business as usual.

And that leaves out consideration of Rudd's Work Choices Lite minor variation on a core theme -- a factor that can only kick in with Labor in office.

So folks, ready or not-- & many won't have much choice in the matter -- the left is back.

We may not be assured a strong poll presence at this election -- given that voting Howard out will be the major dynamic -- but the flag is flying because it is the only path we have....(say this out loud after me:) to get us out of the spot to which the right has sunken us.