Jul 2, 2007

James Hansen, NASA GISS live at the Zero Emissions Conference, Melbourne Australia

James Hansen opened the Zero Emissions Conference to a full house at RMIT University yesterday in Melbourne, Australia

The Zero Emission Network and Beyond Zero Emissions have brought together a program of guest speakers from around the world on climate change science, zero emission renewable energy and successful campaigning methods at the Zero Emissions Conference in Melbourne.

James Hansen, speaking via conference link from Sweden, spoke about the latest scientific predictions on climate change.

"This conference has been very successful, in educating many community leaders on the dangerous levels of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere now," said Matthew Wright, lead spokesman for Beyond Zero Emissions.

"It was fantastic to hear from energy experts from around the world," said Adrian Whitehead, covenor of Zero Emissions Network. "We need to raise awareness of the environmental crisis the human race is facing, and this weekend was a great start."

PowerPoint with Audio

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