Aug 30, 2007

Climate Camp panel with George Monbiot

This panel discussion happened during an evening at the Camp for Climate Action. It's an hour or varied thoughts about the present and future of climate science and what our response should be to it. The panelists are Oli and Sophie involved in the Climate camp set up, Richard from CAT and George Monbiot.

It's an interesting and fair discussion that looks at where our focus should be in trying to come up with clear responses to the challenge of Climate Change.

Original audio source

Monbiot:And I'm afraid the second uncomfortable message I have to put out to you tonight is that when it comes to dealing with a problem of this scale, small is no longer beautiful. We have to start thinking on the biggest possible terms....

From UK Indymedia

Monbiot's major argument is that 'small' in regard of sustainability isn't the answer. See excerpt in transcript here.