Aug 12, 2007

Forum friendly SA

by Dave Riley

In an attempt to make the best use of Web 2.0 platforms available , the Socialist Alliance has engineered its web forums initiative.

After a recent crash -- one not of our making -- we are back on line with an interface that we hope is very user friendly. These forums are designed to shepherd through our federal election campaign by not only acting as an organising tool for SA members across the continent , but also as a bold means to involve others into linking up and getting involved.

This is an exciting initiative for a political party as we are trying to open up what we do to whoever wants to engage with us.

The many new Web 2.0 social networking platforms such as blogging, wikis , multimedia and web forums offer us exciting ways to network, organise and interact with a much larger population than has been the case before.

We can become more accountable and more accessible while being open to a greater degree of scrutiny than has been the case in the past.

There has been a certain reticence in embracing these prospects among some SA members but I think once they begin to make use of this web interface the ease and logic of the exercise will kick in as we encourage people to move their web skills up from email.

This platform is in conjunction with the new set of locality controlled SA blogs which will be launched soon.

So if you are a SA member or want to participate in the SA election campaign some way by offering your thoughts or support, sign on with the forums.