"Fighting and organising globally against neo-liberalism"
Trades Hall & RMIT Storey Hall. Melbourne, Australia
Trade unionists, social movement activists, academics, students, progressive political parties and all interested members of the community are invited to participate in the Latin American & Asia Pacific International Solidarity Forum. The four-day forum aims to strengthen international coordination and solidarity with those fighting neoliberalism.
Feature sessions include:
* Resisting war and neo-liberalism
* Che Guevara 40 years on: the influence of his example and ideas today
* Alternatives to neo-liberalism
* Indigenous struggles and resistance
* Workers' struggle, global fight
* The global influence of the Zapatista struggle
* Confronting the new colonialism in the Pacific
* Strategies for ecological & human survival
* Movements of resistance in the Asia Pacific
* The Venezuelan revolution and its global impact
* Rebellion in Latin America
* Building links, strengthening international solidarity"
Register early and help fund the forum
You can register and pay online using PAYPAL (a secure third-party payment site). PLEASE CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE.
Or you can Download a registration form and send the completed form with your payment attached toLAAPISF, PO Box 813, North Melbourne 3051. Make cheques/money orders payable to Latin America & Asia Pacific International Solidarity Forum.
Or you can deposit registration fees directly into the forum bank account. Please then email info@solidarityforum.org to confirm and identify the payment.
Bendigo Bank; BSB: 633000 Account number: 130716889
Submit a workshop proposal
Conference organisers are inviting all interested groups and individuals to submit workshop proposals. You can submit your proposal online
Visit the October Forum website
Further Information: Email solidarityforum2007@yahoo.com
International participants
Aotearoa / New Zealand
* Sina Brown Davis, Maori/Pasifikan activist
* Vaughan Gunson, Socialist Worker NZ
* Abul Hossain, President, United Labour Federation
* An activist from the life and water social movements coalition
* Roger Annis, Canada Haiti Action Network
* John Riddell, Socialist Voice
* Suzanne Weiss, Venezuela We are With You
* A representative of the National Federation of Agricultural Farming Unions (Fensuagro)
* Nélida Hernández Carmona & Ifrahim Miranda León, Cuban Consul-General & Consul in Australia
East Timor
* Avelino Coelho, General Secretary, Socialist Party of Timor
* Efren Calapucha, Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE)
El Salvador
* Sigfrido Reyes Morales, Member of Parliament, FMLN Political Commission.
* Dita Sari, Founding chairperson of Centre for Indonesian Workers Struggle (FNPBI)
* Agus Priono, Chairperson, National Liberation Party of Unity (PAPERNAS)
* Reverend Jang Chang Weon, Osan Laborers and Migrants Shelter, Reconciliation and Unification Mission Center
* Irene Xavier, Coordinator, Transnational Information Exchange Asia
* Franciso Nemenzo, Chairperson, Laban ng Masa
* Farooq Tariq, General Secretary, Labour Party Pakistan
Papua New Guinea
* John Chitoa and Rosa Koian, Bismarck Ramu Group
* Eva Golinger, author of The Chavez Code and Bush vs Chavez: Washington's War on Venezuela
* Vladimir Villegas, Vice-Minister for Asia, Middle East and Oceania.
* Sandino Carrizales, Youth activist and Communal Councils organiser.
* Nelson Davila, Venezuela's Charge d'Affairs in Australia
* Tran Quoc Khanh, Vietnam's Deputy Consul General in Australia
West Papua
* Anak Jehudi, Patron, West Papua Students Association, Port Morseby.