Aug 21, 2007

Zane Beck: Power to the change makers

by Zane Beck

Friends of the Earth USA, Senator Christine Milne of Tasmania and several Greens Party members have embedded this anti-Howard clip on their sites and just up today is an anti-Bush clip. One is the anthem to the fall of Howard, the other is an ode to Bush.

Watch these 2 videos, laugh if you will, cry that both Bush and Howard are so moronic, share these vids around to everyone you know because sometimes a song just sums up the collective sentiment so well.

My name is Zane Beck, i'm a passionate enviro-politico-acoustica songwriter, i live in Melbourne, my endless rants about our leaders and environment killers drives my partner nuts and music is my other outlet for it.

Whatever you're doing out there, full power to you. We're making a difference.

Power to the change makers. Have a great day!

Zane Beck