After the Arctic ice melt, what ghg reduction targets make sense?
In a paper released a month ago we assessed the recent climate science. This effort was prompted by the significant reduction in Arctic sea ice during the last northern summer and its consequences for ice-sheet disintegration and sea-level rises.
This paper, "The Big Melt", is downloadable from:
Since it's release it has been downloaded from our site more than 9000 times and a Spanish-language edition is now also available!
The science review begged the question of whether the greenhouse gas reduction goals being adopted by governments and other interested parties are still adequate.
To address this issue in detail, Philip Sutton and I have just finished the second paper in a trilogy - this paper being "Target Practice". You can download it from:
or there is an information page at:
A third paper, "Rising to the Challenge", is in preparation. It will look at how we might go about achieving the goals set out in "Target Practice".
If you have any comments, additions, corrections or ideas for how to make use of Target Practice, please reply to this email.
Cheers, David
David Spratt