Please find below a sample of WGAR News. WGAR News is an email newsletter that focuses mainly on the Northern Territory intervention.Subscription is free. Subscribers can expect to receive one email every 2 to 10 days. If you would like to subscribe, email and include the words "subscribe WGAR News" in the message header.Thanking you,
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[WGAR-news] 12 Dec 07: NT Intervention WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
- Scoop: Friends Of The Earth: Human Rights: Self Determination Not Intervention 10 Dec 07: "With the intervention there's been changes to every law; land rights law, the racial discrimination act, the social security act. ... Now the incoming Rudd government needs to get serious about restoring our rights and removing the Intervention legislation." Barbara Shaw, a town camp resident in Alice Springs
- NACCHO: Mr Rudd today is the day to sign 10 Dec 07: "We still have not had a clear message on what this government is going to do about the Northern Territory emergency intervention which was and is an assault on our human rights if there ever was one. We continue to hear statements such as 'we need to let it continue for some time to see if it is working'. Sorry this has taken away our rights. Even if it 'works' at some level it is still unacceptable to the Aboriginal people of the Northern Territory and must be rejected in its entirety." Dr Mick Adams Chairperson of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)
- Sydney Indymedia: WGAR urges PM to place a Moratorium on NT Intervention 7 Dec 07: "In a letter to the PM and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, the Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (WGAR) strongly recommends that the Federal government takes immediate steps to undo the harm of the NT Intervention which is negatively impacting on the lives of Aboriginal people in the NT."
- AGE: Muriel Bamblett: Aboriginal people need the fires of reconciliation to be relit 11 Dec 07: "Self-determination must be the way forward for a marginalised people. ... But what makes Australia most unsafe for our children is the racism and cultural abuse that the Northern Territory emergency intervention acts represent. Overriding the Racial Discrimination Act does not make our children safe."
- Medical News Today UK: Northern Territory Intervention - Help Or Hindrance? Australia 9 Dec 07: "The Government's Northern Territory Intervention, aimed at improving health and living conditions in Indigenous communities, has been met with mixed reviews in a collection of articles published in the latest Medical Journal of Australia."
- The Medical Journal of Australia: December Contents: Northern Territory Intervention [scroll down page] Dec 07: A collection of articles on the NT intervention.
- eMJA: The Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory: engaging with the intervention to improve primary health care 8 Dec 07: "The emergency intervention came from left field. The health component, like the intervention as a whole, got off to a bad start. ... its initial implementation was profoundly disempowering to many Aboriginal people in an environment where disempowerment and loss of identity lie at the root of community dysfunction. ... It is also vitally important that the racially discriminatory aspects of the intervention, ... be repealed"
- Documentary on the NT intervention "The Australian Government has passed two major legislations in the past twelve months that have demolished aboriginal rights, relating to land, culture and self-determination."
- Sacred or Profane? The Australian Government's Intervention in Aboriginal Communities 2 Dec 07: Listen to the discussion on-line:
- Read a summary of the main points:
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