Feb 26, 2008

News from the RatbagMedia Studio Cubby

by Dave Riley

You may have noticed the torrent of audio that is being shared on this site. It is a web radio station is it not?

We blog too, of course -- but we also audioblog.

In the background -- two games are afoot.
  • Warwick Fry's LatinRadical has been very active of late. LatinRadical is showcased here because RatbagMedia is in partnership with Warwrick's project. LatinRadical is a re-tooling of the earlier VenSol project I produced (which podcasted Venezuela Viewpoint )via a fusion with Warwick's NimFM (community radio) program.
  • LeftCast is back. After being on hiatus for some time, LeftCast is pursuing its niche hither and yon.
And we're getting better at it. You don't know until you try. Now with our state of the artz "Cubby Studio" (see image above -- a bit of sound insulation stuck inside a milk crate) we can generate and edit audio with a 60-90 minute turn around. It's factory production news room stuff because we've found a shorter route to your ear.

And that route is:

Talk > Record > Mini Disc recorder > GriffenIMic > USB Port > Computer > Audacity editing program > Publish on web > LeftCast post > Your ears.....

It may not be an audiophile's delight but the process does foster the best sound 'quality' we can muster given the short cuts we've deployed. We're not offering Mozart or Miles Davis afterall, but talk and often telephone talk at that.While it may start life as an analogue signal we make the best of it.

If you want to know more, read about the studio here.