Things wax and wane in this world. And as fate would have it we are now being piloted through terrestrial political space by their nibs, Rudd, Swan, Gillard and sundry endorsed others who have taken upon themselves the task of captaining the good ship of state.
...and all who sail in her.
Such as me.
I cannot help myself but a quickening and a yearning is upon me and I'm unable to resist the urge to partake of my Ratbag persona and once again give in to a mordant obsession with our collective political lot.
Is this a good thing, do you think? Is it healthy to partake of my sarcastic urges and pretend, once again, than Mrs Riley's son is a satirist?
As it is writ:"Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own."
So true. So true. Satirists are always right. It is the attitude that must to be fueled by brazen arrogance.
And I am 'always right' when I'm in that mode -- that is , when i want to be.
But other times when it's just me being me I'll be ever so humble. True dinks! And I'll be wrong! Definitely. I'm sure I will. It's guaranteed.
[Thinks:So long as I don't get the two attitudes mixed up].
Given these hastily conceived provisos, we can now announce that The Blather is back in business . (Although, I warn you that you'll have to bare with me as I find my voice which is around here somewhere...)
As with other RatbagMedia enterprises, Blathering will be shared here in easy to access short monologues in audio form.
If you want to catch up on the genesis of this indulgence -- check out the satirising archive here.