New Labour in Crisis. John McAllion, former Labour MP and MSP on the crisis that New Labour finds itself in.
Left Regroupment Issues and Prospects. Gregor Gall examines Europe for lessons the left in Britain could learn.
Feminism and Marxism - An Unhappy Marrriage. Pam Currie takes a hard look at the sometimes troubled relationship.
Beyond Belief - A New Approach to Atheism. With interest in both atheism and religion on the rise, Nick McKerrill wonders if the left needs to change tack.
The Battle of Ideas - An Introduction to Popular Education. New methods of learning about a better society are in demand. Frances Curran introduces some new approaches.
Mersey Paradise? Danny McGowan with a personal look at the issues facing the English left from the viewpoint of the city of Liverpool.
Derry’s Bloody Sunday. Bill Bonnar on the events in 1972 that changed the course of history in Ireland.
Kosova declares Independence. Kosova declared independence on February 17, greeted by massive celebrations involving thousands of people. Michael Karadjis explains the processes taking place in the region.
The Life and Thought of the ‘Red Terror Doctor’ Alex Miller reviews Karl Marx: A Biography By David McLellan.
Radical Song Bill Scott continues his series on radical song with anti-nuclear ode Four Strong Women.