Jul 10, 2008

The Activist Toolkit has been updated.

by Dave Riley

For all those DIY's you need to reference as you go about your political daily grind:The Activist Toolkit has been updated.

The toolkit is an occasional hobby, but the main game is to work at pulling together an aggregation of handy hints and tips for some of the techniques relevant to political organising. It may not be the case that if you look after the tools the tactics will look after themselves -- but if you have a easy to follow how-to there's more efficiency in the political business and maybe a touch more imagination and creativity can be harnessed.

Please feel free to contribute your own set of skills or hard won knowledge. To do that follow the prompts.

Media tools

* Writing for Green Left Weekly
* Designing & making leaflets
* Working the mainstream media
* Powerpoint & digital slideshows
* Recording and publishing audio
* Creating internet videos/TV

Reach Out

* Distributing Green Left Weekly
* How to run a campaign stall
* Banner painting
* Paste Ups
* Freeway posting


* Organizing a public event
* Running a membership database
* Chairing meetings

Web tools

* File sharing
* Blogging
* Wikis
* YouTubing
* Photographs & graphics
* Email
* BitTorrent