Sep 27, 2008

Timor, Land, and Biofuel - Tim Anderson

Tim Anderson, lecturer in Political Economy at Sydney University has researched land tenure and ownership in the South Pacific, Latin America, and more recently, Timor Leste. He recently published a report about the implications of an Indonesian Biofuel project the AMP government signed onto recently. He cites pressures on the government of Timor Leste recently, to change the Constitution allowing foreigners to buy and sell land in Timor Leste. Some of Timor's political leaders appear to be wavering in their original intent to keep Timorese soil in Timorese hands. And is it just coincidence that USAID and AUSAID have recently launched a US$500,000 project to establish who owns what land in Timor Leste? Traditional communal ownership of land could suffer in the growing push for privatisation.
