Oct 20, 2008

New edition of Alliance Voices

Alliance Voices
Socialist Alliance Discussion Bulletin & National Newsletter

Current Issue -- Volume 8, No 1, October 2008 [20081016]
CONFERENCE:Don't miss our 6th National Conference
It is two years since our last conference and Alliance Voices speaks with SA National Coordinator Dick Nichols about the importance of the Socialist Alliance's Sixth National Conference in Geelong -- December 5-7, 2008.

CONFERENCE:Getting There -- Cheap flights to conference
Directions and maps to the conference venue, plus a review of all your cheap travel options.
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CONFERENCE:Pre-conference discussion - how we're going to do this
How to get the most out of Alliance Voices in the lead-up to the Socialist Alliance National Conference.

NEWS:New branch of Socialist Alliance forming in Northern Queensland
In time for the national conference the word from Cairns and district is that a new Alliance branch has been formed. Read about all about Socialist Alliance activities in Far North Queensland.

NEWS:Adelaide climate emergency conference a success

Adelaide branch of the Socialist Alliance helped facilitate a highly succesful Climate Emergnecy Conference with a range of guest speakers.

NEWS:National trade union work focusing on campaign to abolish the ABCC
Now that the Rudd Labor has won office through the groundswell of opposition to Work Choices, the Socialist Alliance has been focusing on a campaign to abolish the Australian Building and Construction Commisioner (ABCC).

NEWS:Report on national environment work by the Socialist Alliance
In the wake of the Climate Emergency protests and new figures on the Arctic ice melt, the Socialist Alliance has been focusing its environment work on fostering a national campiagn of protests.
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NEWS:Socialist Alliance Blacktown council campaign advances work with Sudanese socialists
The Socialist Alliance's campaign in ward 3 of the Blacktown City Council in the September NSW local elections was an excellent beginning to collaboration with members of the Communist Party of Sudan and the broader Sudanese community in Sydney.

NEWS:Socialist Alliance advance in NSW council elections

September's NSW local government elections took place in a context where the state Labor government has been lurching from one crisis to another - notably (but not exclusively) a result of their persistence in pushing for privatisation of electricity against the wishes of 86% of the population.

NEWS:Media falls in love with Newcastle's youthful team
Newcastle Socialist Alliance sharply increased its vote in the September local government election. Zane Alcorn, Laura Ealing and Tom Cameron won 3.7% in Ward 3, almost tripling our 2004 ward result, (although on that occasion we made the mistake of not running as a group), and Zane scored 2%, which is at least twice our 2004 Lord mayoral result.

NEWS:Marrickville: notes from the polling booths
Candidate Pip Hinman reported from that the atmosphere between the ALP and Greens at the booth where the Socialist Alliance received around 100 votes, one of the highest, was pretty friendly - unlike in the past.

NEWS:Western Australia Socialist Alliance election effort
Our election effort on Saturday September 6 was a great success. It was all the greater because we started from such a low base!
When the snap election was announced it was legitimately debatable that we could not even stand a candidate. At the decisive moment Julie Gray stepped forward and we got up and running.

NEWS:Illawarra branch campaigns for local government democracy and against corruption
The centre of attention for Socialist Alliance Illawarra—as for most political currents in Wollongong—has been the struggle to rewin the right to vote for the town's city council. The previous Labor administration, suspended while the Independent Commission Against Corruption investigated their links with developers, would have been thrown out if it had stood at the September 13 local government elections.
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NEWS:Socialist Alliance NSW conference helps boost left unity

Around 60 people attended the Socialist Alliance NSW conference in Wollongong on August 23. The day was an inspiring success for a number of reasons.

INTERNATIONAL: Building the mass anti-capitalist party in France
Sam Wainwright reports: The French Revolutionary Communist League (LCR) summer school, which, I recently attended, has attracted around 1200 people. In the 12 years since I lived in France, the LCR has grown from about 900 members to around 3500 today. This is in the context of an ongoing cycle of mass struggle that began with the massive public sector strike in 1995 and continues to this day, feeding into social movements as well as industrial fights.

CONFERENCE DOCUMENT: Alliance Perspectives

The Socialist Alliance perspectives document, a discussion-starter for our Sixth National Conference, asks what we have achieved, the political terrain on which we are operating, what our priority campaigns should be, and how to best strengthen our organisation.

DISCUSSION: On the draft perspectives document
A contribution to pre conference discussion from Sara Moss (Gold Coast).

DISCUSSION: A commentary on Socialist Alliance and the 2007 Federal election
A contributrion to pre conference discussion from from David White (Brisbane).
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