Dec 29, 2008

Most Wanted for 2009

by Dave Riley

One of my favorite blogs is A very public sociologist, anchored by Phil BC (that's all I know) and Phil has a "meme" dedicated to the most wanted for the pending year -- the current one being for 2009.

While we hope that Phil completes his PhD this coming 12 month -- the question is what would our political "most wanted" be? (Apparently I'm allowed to be fanciful.)
  1. For the Australian trade union movement to break from subservience to the ALP and really get serious about ripping up all of Work Choices and abolishing the ABCC.
  2. For the Socialist Alliance to grow and expand geographically with new branches chartered in the coming 12 months. Along with branch growth, for the SA to achieve more affiliations from various sectors it is consolidating ongoing alliances with.
  3. For the Socialist Alliance's electoral returns in any local, state or federal poll to replicate some of the trends indicated in the recent Victorians local government polls.
  4. For whatever it takes to finally get the wherewith all together to form a SA branch in my own neighborhood on the northside of Brisbane and as part of that run a real people's champion against the ALP incumbent at the soon to-be-called state election.
  5. For the Qld Murri community to win a victory in the festering relentless campaign against black deaths in police custody with justice being won in regard to Palm Island.
  6. For my own Brisbane branch of the Democratic Socialist Perspective to continue to put behind it the bitter (but ineffectual) dispute that had preoccupied the DSP for almost three years until May this year. My branch and the party are recovering faster than I could have imagined and my respect for my comrades as we enter 2009 is massive indeed.
  7. That things continue to move ahead in Latin America and that elsewhere on the globe our side begins to advance on a very broad front. Indications are very good that that may indeed happen.
  8. For the youth to return to activist politics with a zeal and commitment that we haven't seen in massive numbers for some time. For a burgeoning growth in Resistance this year as a consequence.
  9. For a real mass based climate change movement to take off in hundreds of thousands.