Oct 20, 2009

Hamas – They're not bad, they're just drawn that way

How did it work that the world was so fooled and allowed Israel to destroy Gaza to "get rid of Hamas"? It was quite simple, and it's always the same answer: Israel and its allies keep people disinformed. Those who actually will go slightly below the screaming headlines of the newspapers might find out a few facts buried that that will contradict the spin, but not that many people will go that far, given that they are exposed to something with an element of truth buried deep within. If that were not problematic enough, even the "progressives" have done meritorious services to rendering Hamas untouchable. They might accept them as a "resistance movement" but they won't allow their personal ideological bias to see Hamas as a progressive force for their own people's advancement. This may be out of conviction, convenience or even lack of research or a blindspot that does not allow variations on the theme of the class struggle, where everything is "international" and the same type of rules and ideals should be considered applicable and necessary for all, going so far in some cases to "import democracy" under various more or less aggressive forms.
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