Oct 15, 2009


http://www.welchagency.com/website/agent_pictures/1147/VideoChannel.jpgAs befits an idea -- once thought of, do it!

So I did.

As Oscar Wilde wrote,"the only way to over come a temptation is to give into it."

In my last post I was talking about online video channels. So I was thinking about that -- about the channels and I was tempted to explore the option.

So I grabbed a few channels that I had incorporated here into LeftClick and exported them to a new site I call  VideoActiv.

The concept being that once you are there you can "channel surf".

Since there are a few ways that each video aggregator offers video publishers their own  channel, there's a bit of mixt of styles and formats.

Nonetheless, if you want to watch the latest videos from this selection of channels -- to which I'll add others as I go -- here's a site you should bookmark.

Currently available are:
* AlbaTV * * Audio * * Democracy Now * * Friction Films * * LatinRadical * * LeftClick Video * * Peter Boyle * * RatbagMedia * * SA TV * * SKA Story * * The Union Show *

There are sure to be other hacks and tweaks that can be explored and experimented with. So keep checking back. And please make suggestions.