The initial teething challenge presented by YouTube has been resolved and the VideoActiv site now has the following channels 'networked'
* AlbaTV * * Audio * * Democracy Now * * Friction Films * * ISO * * Kapitalism 101 * * LatinRadical * * LeftClick Video * * LeftStreamed * * Peter Boyle * * RatbagMedia * * Reading Capital * * SA TV * * SKA Story * * SSP * * szumtv * * TamilTV * * The Union Show *
At the moment the key criterion is that the media has to be 'fresh' -- not years since last published and that there be a reasonable number of videos to make 'channeling' worthwhile..
So more channels are being sort. and can easily be added to the hub. If there are issues, we're discussing the complications with the producers of each video channel. The Socialist Project (Canada), for instance, has jumped at the opportunity and has reworked its whole scattered collection for VidoeActiv which includes some very useful talks and presentations.
Individual recommendations of single videos or online slideshows or powerpoints are most welcome .
Those Spanish speakers amongst us -- any recommendations of videos in the Spanish language dealing with LA politics is most welcome.
And for Facebook junkies -- if you find a video online and link to it as part of your Profile entry -- and you are a registered 'friend' of mine -- I can check it out and add videos that way too. So your recommendation can go quickly viral.
We can also create channels with specifically focused content so a suggestion for a channel theme is welcome. I'm thinking of a project like -- "Introduction to Socialism" --inspired by Brendan Cooney's great work at Kapitalism 101.But for that we'd need to create our own content . Think about it. We can share videos, powerpoints or slideshows in the one online multimedia package with links to readings and maybe accompanying audio...( Yearning sigh).
If you'd like to create you own boutique channel on VideoActiv with a specific theme (eg: aboriginal struggle, Palestine, Climate Change, etc) -- go get yourself a free account on VodPod and start grabbing content -- easy with this Firefox addon .
And finally, the site includes an audio hub with a range of channels you can listen to in pop up players (while you continue to surf).
So more channels are being sort. and can easily be added to the hub. If there are issues, we're discussing the complications with the producers of each video channel. The Socialist Project (Canada), for instance, has jumped at the opportunity and has reworked its whole scattered collection for VidoeActiv which includes some very useful talks and presentations.
Individual recommendations of single videos or online slideshows or powerpoints are most welcome .
Those Spanish speakers amongst us -- any recommendations of videos in the Spanish language dealing with LA politics is most welcome.
And for Facebook junkies -- if you find a video online and link to it as part of your Profile entry -- and you are a registered 'friend' of mine -- I can check it out and add videos that way too. So your recommendation can go quickly viral.
We can also create channels with specifically focused content so a suggestion for a channel theme is welcome. I'm thinking of a project like -- "Introduction to Socialism" --inspired by Brendan Cooney's great work at Kapitalism 101.But for that we'd need to create our own content . Think about it. We can share videos, powerpoints or slideshows in the one online multimedia package with links to readings and maybe accompanying audio...( Yearning sigh).
If you'd like to create you own boutique channel on VideoActiv with a specific theme (eg: aboriginal struggle, Palestine, Climate Change, etc) -- go get yourself a free account on VodPod and start grabbing content -- easy with this Firefox addon .
And finally, the site includes an audio hub with a range of channels you can listen to in pop up players (while you continue to surf).
LeftCast podcast * LatinRadical podcast * The Blather podcast * Play audio shared on LeftClick blog * Education for Socialists podcast * Free Speech Radio News * Democracy Now! * Radio Ecoshock * Beyond Zero:Zero Emissions Network Podcast * Stick Together Show * Venezuela Analysis audio *This Week in Palestine * Steal This Radio *If you create content for a channel on site, consider referring people to VideoActiv rather than directly to YouTube or whatever.