Jun 27, 2007

Web discussion -- debunking green sacred cows: #1 Romanticism

Greenman's Occasional Organ --a blog located within the Green Left current inside the Green Party of England and Wales -- has begun a series of posts on "green sacred cows". Off the top of your head, I bet you can think of a few. But Greenman is ahead of you and has tackled maybe one that came to mind: romanticism. Thats' #1 on his hit list.
I blogged a short while ago about a series of posts on green "sacred cows". The first of these follows. It is worth re-stating what I said when introducing this series of posts at this point : "I do this not because I want to be iconoclastic or argumentative, but because I believe that these positions seriously handicap the Green movement in the short term and might potentially have disastrous effects in the longer term...