Aug 23, 2007

Vic Job delegates agree to increase the fight against Howard's IR laws and anti-family policies

By Brian Boyd, VTHC Secretary
22 August 2007

Today a mass meeting of shop stewards and job delegates, principally from the Building, Construction, Manufacturing and related and supporting industries, agreed to up-the-ante against the Howard Government.

The meeting was held at the Regent Theatre in Collins Street Melbourne.The mass meeting of up to 500 shop stewards and job delegates agreed to prepare for a pre-federal election mass rally and march for Melbourne at 10.00 am on Wednesday 26th September 2007 (assembling outside Trades Hall, Lygon Street,

The workplace representatives and activists supported via resolution an ongoing mobilisation of Victorian workers to see the defeat of the Howard Government at the upcoming Federal election. It was agreed that the proposed rally will highlight that the WorkChoices legislation and other negative Federal government policies have seen thousands of families negatively affected. Higher interest rates and higher petrol prices were also noted as key issues.

The following is the resolution passed unanimously:“This mass meeting of Victorian shop stewards and job delegates expresses its full support for the calling of a rally and march at 10.00 am Wednesday 26 September 2007, starting at Trades Hall.Further, this meeting undertakes to work to mobilise a maximum turnout for the rally in order to send a strong message to the Howard Government, that we reject its draconian I.R. laws and other anti-working family policies in the lead up to the Federal election.”