Dec 5, 2007

A cynical, gutless exercise: the ALP & Work Choices

by Dave Riley
Phil Doyle is a Blue Mountains based blogger and Your Rights at Work activist who has Kevin Rudd's measure:
What we are seeing here is a grade one, first class exercise in hypocrisy. The ALP was quite happy to hide behind the Your Rights At Work campaign to get into office - now they are there they are not exactly exerting themselves to protect Australians who are under the gun with these new laws.

It's a cynical, gutless exercise that will blow up in their face if they're not careful.
"Blow up! Blow them faces off!", I say. But Phil's got the kind of dirty talk I like: So go visit/bookmark: Phil Phuckin' Doyle.

It's all about " Surviving Life in Ruddstralia, with all it's dreams, schemes and themes ..."

Ain't that the truth!