Now the people have awoken: Exploring Venezuela's revolution
A new film exploring the Venezuelan revolution from New Zealand film-makers Activo Productions.
HOBART 6pm, Thursday, December 6, 225 Murray St, Hobart. Ph Mel 0423 978 518
MELBOURNE 4.30pm, Sat, December 8th, Old ETU Offices, Crn Swanston St and Queensberry St, Carlton Ph 0425 289 394 or 0438 447 063
SYDNEY Saturday December 8, 6.30pm Activist Centre, 23 Abercombie St, Chippendale
BLUE MOUNTAINS 7.30pm Mon Dec 10, Tris Elies Red Room, next to Katoomba Station, Katoomba, Ph 4787 7859 for more info.
NEWCASTLE 6.30pm Friday 14 Dec @ Resistance Centre, 472 Hunter St, Newcastle. Ph 4926 5328
Synopsis - Except for beauty queens and oil, Venezuela has never been on the international stage. Now Venezuela is at the center of international controversy: to some it has been stolen by a populist dictator, while for others Venezuela represents the centre of a continent-wide democratic revolution. There is much at stake: Venezuela sits atop the biggest oil reserves in the world and is successfully defiant of US foreign policy. This is a documentary about the Bolivarian Revolution, through the eyes of analysts, and the people who are changing their country and the Latinamerican continent as a whole.
Filmed during the 2006 presidential elections it includes interviews with Noam Chomsky, Eva Golinger, Paul Buchanan, Greg Wilpert and Michael Fox.