Speaking at the United Nations on 21 April popular left-wing Bolivian president Evo Morales proposed 10 commandments to save the planet, life and humanity. They were:
1. Acabar con el sistema capitalistaPutting an end to the capitalist system2. Renunciar a las guerrasRenouncing wars3. Un mundo sin imperialismo ni colonialismoA world without imperialism or colonialism4. Derecho al aguaRight to water5. Desarrollo de energías limpiasDevelopment of clean energies6. Respeto a la madre tierraRespect for Mother Earth7. Servicios básicos como derechos humanosTreat basic services as human rights8. Combatir las desigualdadesFighting inequalities9. Promover la diversidad de culturas y economíasPromoting diversity of cultures and economies10. Vivir bien, no vivir mejor a costa del otroLiving well, not living better at the expense of others
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