What fun you can have playing around with widgety things!
I have shared the good oil about ComicLife as an easy DIY for making comics.

I then got an easy to use Mac app -- PhotoSketcher -- to turn photographs into comic like and inked (or water coloured) drawings.
I thought that was the whole shebang for the likes of me, but I then came upon FotoFlexor which is not Photoshop -- "a ha! what delights," he says -- but which is an online tool box with enough quirky effects utensils for me to pretend that I can draw.
So I took this image of Gillard (at right), processed it through FotoFlexor and concocted the 'comic' above via ComicLife.
A brand new world awaits wherein I can caricature and tweak; merge snippets from the web and indulge my penchant for the comic grotesque.