Oct 10, 2009

SATIRE:And the Nobel Peace Prize winner is...

Sergeant America!

The Nobel Committee this year has embraced the philosophy of permanent war for permanent peace. Non entity types with their smultzy do gooder notions are merely nibblers on the periphery of the peace business . But within the person of the president of the United States rests the heart of a true peacenik (or so we hear).

With 750 military installations in over 50 countries and 1,454,515 people on active duty worldwide,Sergeant America has at his disposal a force whose awesome power to make peace happen -- or else -- is unmatched in human history.

That's because this President brings a fresh charisma to doomsday.

Ladies and gentlemen of the world we give you the world's best hope for peace on earth and good will to all: Barrack Obama.

HOPE at the point of a gun.